... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Goosle Gosling!

Tinier feet in large.

Aww! Mr. and Mrs. have three goslings, and they're painfully cute.
Mr. is moulting heavily, and is in a bit of a state (polite version).
I've uploaded one or two [45] alternatives to a new Flickr album: 
Goosle Goslings 2015

In much less happy news, Shnarf died yesterday; she was ancient, and died in her sleep underneath a rose bush. She was a very contented cat, and her end couldn't have been more peaceful, which is as much as anyone could hope for. She was a truly lovely creature. 
This is for her, but I like to think that she'd want it accompanied by this picture.

Goosle highlights:
Mr. moulting
Close-up 1 Close-up 2
3 bums in a row 3 grazers in a row
Standing under Mrs. Grazing under Mrs.
Marching 1 Marching 2

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