An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Dolls graveyard

There is a creek we sometimes visit, deep in the bush, that is not easy to get to at all, but which has a surprising amount of rubbish in it. This particular pile of rubbish was obviously dumped from above the creek many years ago (hard to tell how old it is - some bottles, cans, baths, wire, tyres, crockery etc). I'd love to know the story behind these poor old dolls heads - though they have a certain creepiness about them!

This creek also has a 1937 Oldsmobile and 1954 Austen A30 rusting away undisturbed, which could be another days blip, maybe.

I will never understand why anyone would dump rubbish in the bush, let alone go to the trouble of finding somewhere this far from a road to dump it all. It hasn't washed down the creek, but has obviously been dumped from the high bank. Why not just drive to the tip? (You have to pay to dump at the tip, that's why.)

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