frequent summer visitor

Amazing day from start almost to the end (writting at 20:11pm GMT+1)

Surprised husband by cooking him breakfast - he almost jumped out of the bed when kids sang him 'Sto lat' for Fathers Day and almost spilled hot coffee on him when he tried to remember what day it was! He loved the cooked breakfast I got him and even raised an eye brow when discovered the sausauges were made from wild boar with apples - simples :)
Kids were excited to hand their hand made cards carefully prepared/made at school awww..

The rest of the day went super well - trip to Oxford Circus for lunch (where we met with our dear friend) followed by a super quick shopping on Regents Street. We got back home well on time to just enjoy the lovely sunshine in our garden where we got a visit from a special beetle fiend :)


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