
A day off...what to do? Well firstly, it was great to just wake up when I woke up and not when the alarm dictated. I decided, when I eventually got dressed, to go to the Art Showcase where Mary was exhibiting. I think I might buy this painting from her as I love it, I do hope she didn't sell it after I left!

Whilst perusing the paintings I overheard a snippet of conversation, "...I do love watching big girls all holding hands and dancing..." Oh I adore odd snatches.

I've asked Mary to do me a Three Witches painting from Macbeth. I don't want old hags, I want vamped up ladies in basques...looking sexy but with a hint of malevolence. This is also a photo I'm planning to do in the woods, so far I have one other victim person who has sort of said she will dress up as a vampy witch with me. I do love witches...

Now....well now I'm watching High Society and singing along. It takes my mind off my sore bum after my fall yesterday...and my sore foot...well did you ever, what a swelegant, elegant party this is....

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