
By Instography


Dragged out of bed at the unGodly hour of 10am so that I could receive the joke presents - 10p in 20 layers of paper, a tin of tuna pasta (best before 2011) and an iPhone 5 box with a bar of chocolate inside. And the proper goodies - chocolate and whisky. Never goes wrong. 

And then a day of some pottering, checking on the brews from Friday (Summer Ale) and Saturday (Black IPA). I think I've got this brewing business cracked for efficiency if not for taste. It's the overnight water heating and the big gas burner that make all the difference. Might be time to register with HMRC as a brewery.

Some helping Ewan with his project while not over-helping. Tricky balance not least because it doesn't seem like the school has given any guidance at all about what constitutes a project. Do whatever you like so long as it's not plagiarised, has a contents page and a bibliography. Less than fully whelmed although with some nudging, coaxing, coaching, quizzing and straightforward pointing, he's actually pulled together something pretty good. 

Ellen in a bin. The meaning may become clear.

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