The coastal town, they forgot to shut down

Saturday late forenoon (as my Grandmas used to say), up the Toon (as my Grandmas also always said), shopping for a dress for Tess's p7 end of term blow out party. We don't like the shopping, we hates it. But we managed to get something in the bag, with only a brief 3 hour detour to see Jurassic Park 3 (or whatever it's called) in the middle.

To the main event and Dave has a thing for American diners, so we went to the new one in the shopping centre. We wished we hadn't, man it's a filthy place with disgusting food. Not an authentic diner, not by an American mile. The effects of the food.....lasted into the next day. But everyone's a critic.....I did a trip advisor review for it, that's how hacked off we were. Totally minging (Not what my Grandmas used to say).

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