
By TBay

Father's Day!

Another emergency blip again. It's late and it's been a long day!

Pip was of the opinion that she would like too spend the night on my bed! This was not what was going to happen, but it was a good try!!

Father's Day was spent in Weston super Mare where we had lunch and then watched the air display over the sea front. This included the Red Arrows and the Vulcan bomber! It was very much to the taste of the fathers!! Little Miss was very good and slept for most of the air display despite the noise.

I was of course designated driver and having delivered them home safely I then had a YFC Junior Reading practice .

I have been very slow at commenting once again but events seem to be overtaking me lately! I will try to catch up but it may take a while again. However I will have dropped by to view the latest in the lives of you guys!

Hope you all had a cracking weekend!

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