
We have discovered over the years that the same word used by different people referring to meals, can have different meanings.

'Tea' is one of them. "Come for tea". Does that mean a cup of tea and maybe a biscuit or does it mean a meal as it does in our home.? I use the terms 'tea' and 'dinner' to mean our evening meal (6pm ish).

Supper is another one which can cause confusion. To some, supper means evening meal. In our home, supper means something to eat before going to bed.

This was my bedtime supper tonight. Sunday's usually are the only evening I eat supper. As you can see its not very healthy but it was very tasty.

Of course the best supper is the Scottish variety - from the chip shop. Anything with chips is called a supper. Fish supper, sausage supper etc....

...ah, now I feel peckish again.

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