Head In The Clouds

Rain and sun today - a good long and soaking rain.  Sun in time for a Father's Day BBQ and now all foggy and misty again, but very warm.  It's all about Jon today as he's the only father around our home.  Logan, the aspiring barber, gave him a "shaving kit" from a store he hopes to get a job at and proceeded to use it himself as Jon had already shaved for today.  Lovely pre-shave oil, foamy shave cream, a "badger" brush and of course After Shave.  It will be an event each time.  Logan loved his gift!!  Josie informed us that the badgers are a food source in Asia and then the pelts are made into the brushes (Alrightey then, think I'll pass on that one!)

The extra shot is just a little play with the lights on the porch - I liked the heart shapes especially, but am easily amused.

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