
By Knottman2

Best of the Bunch

Nature was not at its most cooperative today. Oh it provided a lovely backcloth of blue sky and fluffy white clouds and the temperature crept up to 30 degrees.
But its creatures were on a protest march. There were plenty of dragon and damselflies but they behaved like drones controlled by some demented hobbyist. The blue butterflies I chased gave me the blues. They rested on any flower for a maximum of ten seconds but it takes Knottman a minimum of twenty seconds to zoom and focus. The village square was full of flowers but they were created by man or woman and seem of no interest to Les Papillons. When I saw a Buddleia in full flower I thought my prayers were answered. But it had not a single customer.

This Meadow Brown was the only thing to co-operate.

My extra is a corner of our French village waiting for you to sit on the balcony with your glass of wine. Not Australian please.

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