
Had a good day at work today. Stuck in the house in the morning with a sleeping child - which was fine, as it was pissing down.

After lunch we headed down to the Filmhouse to collect some tickets I booked the other week. A stroll along the canal and a stop at the new Akva for coffee, then on to the Filmhouse where the EIFF is in full swing. By chance I bumped into Leasko, who was busy , as she always is this time of year. We had a good blether, with promises of meeting up soon. It WILL happen!

An afternoon with the charges and a friend, over for a play date, then home for dinner and an evening of pottering and (currently), listening to a fabulous Neil Gaiman lecture on how stories last.
It can be found on www.brainpickings.org

Well worth a listen.

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