Rock the boat

Spotted this on my way into work this morning.  I've seen 'street pianos' before, but never street guitars.  I like it!  I actually spotted someone tuning up at another one of these on my way home this evening, but didn't have time to wait for him to start playing properly.

Had a really busy day at work with several meetings, mostly preparing for the interviews I have to lead on tomorrow.  I've only ever interviewed one person before, so I'm a little tense about it - but I think I have everything prepared and we have all the questions worked out, so I'm sure it'll be fine.  Just hope we get someone good now!

Had quite a busy evening, too - stayed a bit late at work to get the interview preparations finished up, came home and cooked dinner, then did our online food shop.  Not a lot of evening left after that.  One bonus though was that Tim had been due to go to a committee meeting but ended up staying home instead :)

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