
.... for an absolutely boring blip. That was my day .......
The highlight was the text of my son asking about our landline number (yes!! really!!!)..... stating that 089 abcdef didn't work. He needed it for some form he had to fill in.... 
Well...... calling from outside Germany it should have been 0049 89 and then the correct numbers. Not the ones he used. At all. They had very little to do with our phone number....... (seriously! Where did he get that other number from..??)
The next text stated - our number is too short. There have to be at least 11 digits (without the country thingy..) - well, now, what can I say..?? Our landline is a very 'old' number ....... I do realise the 'newer' ones are always longer ...... but ...... ours isn't!! Sorry - nothing  I can do.....  
I guess I won't have to expect any calls from that side....... :-)))

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