Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi

Moving into the Unkown

I happened to see Paul this afternoon blocks away from where we normally meet.  He was slowly shuffling (a 10 minute/block pace) and got a huge grin on his face when he saw me waiting for him.  We sat on a nearby bench and chatted for a good while.  Paul told me he was "taking in the sights" of this new part of town - something he hasn't been able to do for some time.  We talked a lot about his family that he hasn't seen in years.  He's constantly wondering if they are even alive anymore.  "They don't know about me, I don't know about them," he said. 

I joked about his backward NY Yankees cap and he laughed. "Silly, huh?" he smiled.  It was good to see Paul slowly moving through some new territory this afternoon.  Like me, continuing to move into the unknown, day by day. 

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