Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Contracting For Carlsberg

Having broken my back on the very last day of my previous (8 year) employment, I have not worked for a few months. So I have no employer to go back to and I am unsure what I can actually do (physically or otherwise). Since I would like to work and also want a new career, the government will pay me to work as much as I can manage, working up to full time over the next four months, with anyone who will have me..... or they will find someone who will. Personally, I fancy a new career as a high flying photographer who works for only the biggest names.

So, .....Carlsberg have accepted my terms & conditions for working for them for free as their photographer. Basically my point was to earn money for any photographs sold (which might not necessarily happen but could) and their point was to use my photographs for anything they need. Whatever happens on that front, I think I've got a huge opportunity to get some experience and a great first "client".

This is the little castle up in the Carlsberg grounds ..... there's a lot of work going on up there.

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