June Challenge - 4 of a kind

June Challenge 9th June 4 of a kind.

Salmon en Croute

This is the one (of four) that didn't get away!!! No honestly I have cooked 4, the others wouldn't pose fit in the shot!!

This evening I am going to a Breast Cancer Charity Picnic Ball the format is a simple way to raise loads of money.

1. Use marquees still standing from another event for free. (The Herts Show)

2. Have a fantastic live band give their time for free (The Dark Blues)

3. Call it a 'Picnic Ball' All guests bring their own food and drink (No overheads for organisers) Yet guests still pay a fortune to attend

4. Have a blooming good raffle - tickets a fiver each

5. Play 'Heads and Tails' the simplest game on earth. Each guest pays a tenner and stands up on the dance floor. Places their hands either on their head or their tail, a coin is tossed, whichever way it lands those people stay in the game, the others sit down. And so it continues until only one person is left. They win one hundred pounds. 500 guests = £4,900 profit.

It will be a fab night.

This is how I caught the salmon

1. Inspired by...
2. A toy
3. Green and yellow
4. Drink
5. Sky
6. Descend
7. Passages, Real & In Time
8. Dusk
9. 4 of a kind
10. A snack
11. A friend
12.Take 12
13. On a bench
14. A flag
16. A phobia
17. A love for...
18. Flame
19. Colorful
20. Fast
21.Welcome summer
22.With wings
23. Pink
24.Make believe
25.Through a window
26. A passion
27. A tomato
28. Music. How you listen
29.Through a lens
30. Playful

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