Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Bowl of Beauty

I love this pretty peony and always look forward to it flowering.  I remember coming across a peony many years ago, think I was about 18 or 19.  It was outside a block of flats in a tub.  I liked it so much I cut a flower as thought it just might take root in some water.  Just as I cut it I heard a lady's voice say "caught you".  I was mortified.  When I explained why I'd cut it she was fine about it and we had a chat.   Apparently children had been pulling some flowers off the shrub so she was keeping an eye out.  No the peony did not root in water as that's not how you take cuttings which of course I didn't know then but I'll never forget my first sighting, the things you remember..... :)

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