
By 5nations

Rolley Polley

I had some great things to blip outside, all of them shoved under a piece of wood on strict orders "not to move"!
I think due to the food chain, if I went outside now there would probably only be 1 very fat thing left???
I was then going to tell you all about the fact the patch of garden I desperately need to weed is the patch where ALL the flipping spiders hang out. They have balls these things and don't even move when you go near them, they just sit there sunbathing with their 8 manky eyes watching you and their 8 manky hairy lanky legs waiting to pounce on your hand and sink their fangs in....
Then I was going to tell you all about this fat ginger tiger cat that scared the crap out me when it scarpered because I disturbed it from its hide-out in my greenhouse. For a split second I thought it was a fat ginger tiger spider leaping out at me... thank god that was just my over active imagination!
I have a nervous disposition as it is about going in the greenhouse due to the above mentioned but I think it's going to take a bit of therapy to get me back in there now!

So, instead of telling you all about my gardening adventures, I am going to tell you that Eden's cream crackered due to all the effort he's been putting into his 'rolling over' technique. We found him on his front with 1 arm stuck underneath (hasn't quite mastered that bit). BUT as we hadn't actually witnessed the first ever roll over, obviously we had to push him back over and wait for him to do it again!!

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