A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

It all passes by in a blur.

Rush hour on East Parade, Leeds.
Because of some back blips (hands up if you remember back blips!), I've somehow arrived early at the latest milestone.

Life moves pretty fast.......

When I reflect on my life, I don't think that much has changed. But then if I have the time to look back through my journal, I see that it has.
When I posted my first blip, on Salford Quays one night after work, it was when my days followed a similar pattern. Go for a walk after work, take some photos on my iPhone 3G, and walk home to my flat.
Somewhere along the way, I got more obsessed with photography (yeah thanks blip!), got bought better cameras, bought myself better cameras, did photography courses......moved out of my flat and in with my girlfriend, lost family members, saw the extended family grow, changed jobs and now spend most of my working life in Leeds (which some might say is the best side of the Pennines to work on.)
The hours spent wandering with a camera seem like a luxury and seem like a long time ago. But photography and blip has constantly reinforced one thing with me: time is precious.


Somewhere along this journey, I decided to make an effort to take a creative photo for each day. Some days it might not be as creative as I'd like, but I keep trying.
I'm crap at photographing flowers.
The only time I see landscapes is when they go flashing by out of a train window.
Even the bloody dogs don't sit still long enough for to take a photo of them.
So most of my photos are now urban shots around Manchester and Leeds. I still try to aim for something creative each day. And for that, I have blip (forget the polawhatever stuff) and this community to thank.

If you're still reading, thanks for reading, thanks for looking, thanks for everything.
You rock.

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