Late Night Haircuts

Adam and Ivan came over for haircuts tonight - Logan is their new barber.  They've been friends since they were 11 when they went to middle school together.  Logan still considers them to be his "best friends ever".  There is one more in the foursome - Dylan.  He'll be back in NH next week.  He is a collegiate All American runner and is competing tomorrow in a 3000M steeplechase in Eugene Oregon.  I love the camaraderie that they all have, the history and the mutual respect.  They have all gone on to separate lives, in different colleges and careers, but they always come together.

The extra photo is of a little "altar" set up in one of my favorite little Mexican restaurants across the street from the hospital.  The woman that owns it doesn't speak English and there is no menu, just pictures on the wall that you can point to.  The food is good, kind of like going to your Mexican grandmother's for lunch.  She has a devotion to the Madonna de Guadalupe and her cooking is heavenly.

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