
By MyLifeMirror

Flower or Meadow?

"There are over 12 species of this plant in Arizona and they are very difficult to identify. The Indian Paintbrush plant is from the Snapdragon or Figwort Family and is known as hemi-parasites or a root parasite. The only way for a Paintbrush to survive is to stick it's tubes, which are called 'haustoria' into the roots of a host plant. Here in the West, that could be sagebrush. They depend upon another plant for not only nutrients, but water, too."

I thought that this photo of a Paintbrush plant fit my thoughts today on several levels. :)

I read Subjunctive's journal entry yesterday and it made me reflect. I thank her for giving me that unexpected gift.
"Flower or meadow or both?"

Prefacing my opinion with the fact that I am not artistic in any way, I do think it is both the flower and the meadow. I think the balance can vary depending on the moment and even in the moment. I think the two are inseparable like the Paintbrush plant and its host (reaching a little there, lol).

We are all on a journey, a quest to understand and contribute something to the world. We are all vulnerable if we risk ourselves. And is not trying the biggest risk of all?

I think that we tend to more critical of ourselves than others, we tend to expect more from ourselves than others, we tend to be more kind to others than ourselves. I struggle every day with that.

Neither the flower nor the meadow are ever perfect- but they can be wonderfully imperfect regardless of our own or other's expectations.

I am imperfect but I'm trying to be ok with that. :)

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