
By Bundle

Dave O'Higgins at The Spin

At the jazz club this evening for some very fine tenor saxophony from Dave O'Higgins, the modern master of be-bop (or neo-bop, post bop, whatever you want to call it). He is one of the finest saxophonists out there today!

Dave's own writing is top notch but he played with The Spin house band on this occasion and they played a fine set including some of my favourites: Estate - a beautiful Italian song; Travels - a gorgeous Pat Metheny ballad; Oleo - a Sonny Rollins number in which a saxophonist can really excel by playing around with tricksy rhythyms that tease and tantalise; and Cole Porter's Love For Sale. They also played a couple of Pete Oxley's recent compositions which went down a treat. All in all another tremendous night at The Spin!

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