Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman


Hot but hazy this morning, so we walked to Cassone - about 2 miles or so walk along the lake. Pretty place but not much there, however it has a nice hotel that does wonderful coffee and we sat there for a while to recover from the walk before heading back.

I'm loving the Lumix - such a good little camera and although I'm still learning about it's features, I'm impressed with how it quickly adjusts its focus to moving objects, such as this bird which kept bouncing about in and out of shot.

Other than the walk, we spent most of today just relaxing and bimbling about the impossibly pretty town - eating  ice cream and pizza before a quick sprawl by the pool. Then dinner (more pasta and a glass of Amarone.)

The extra photo is taken from by the pool, of the Siora Veronica sailing back to port.

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