investigations of a dag

By kasty

Brain freeze

From overly rapid consumption of free ice cream being handed out in the grass market. Karamel sutra Karma..

Image is from the Jackie magazine strips that paper the changing rooms at Armstrong's (the quintessential Edinburgh vintage emporium) where I shouldn't have purchased a new frock for a friend's wedding. Sale rules applied. If I walk away and still think about it a week later, and its still there, in my size and budget, and genuinely needed, and I'm nearby, then fate, fairies and anti- matter are commanding me to buy it. I must obey..

A nice lie in today. Needed after lots of sticky hot mess disco goodness last night. My friend Simon djing straight from the pleasance stage where his latest play, idiot at the wall is on. Much of the cast in attendance. Managed to catch up with good friend din and other regular hot messers on the dancefloor. Met a very pregnant lady in amazing 70s gown in the loos, baby loves beats apparently. It's such a nice accepting atmosphere she looked at home with the divas, club kids and sharp quived ladies and lads.

Recovery today was coffee, vintage dress splurge (a tenner is a splurge these days) and a nice chat with g before hitting the books. Am trying to focus so no laptop or too much blip browsing. Finding it hard. Can't do any links on the phone.

If my life was a news channel it would be nothing but good news stories today. Bizarre but true, on this day...
1 - sheen masheen overcame hip niggles and a chest infection to win the Skye half marathon. Actually won it. I am massively relieved and very proud of her hard earned success. Just wish I could have been there like last year.
2 - my brother in law Stuart got into his post grad environmental engineering course. A long long held ambition at long last fulfilled, it means we will both be 35 and students together. Sounds like a sit com plot.
3 - my brother paddy and Jenna got engaged at rockness. They've just had a baby and met 2 yrs ago at rockness when he blagged his way on stage to "propose" to her as a chat up line. She would accept and then they would both get free beer backstage. They kept this going until the guards recognised them on the 6th attempt. This year he did it once and did it for real... Thank gawd they let him back on.
4 - my mate Steve from the Joyce support group reading Ulysses was just offered the psychology lecturing post he was dreaming of at ed uni meaning he and his fiance can get on planning their wedding and he can focus on his viva next week. Top news.
5 - friend g has been offered a flat to sit while someone is away. I know this sounds minor but he jumped in the air for joy when he heard. He needs somewhere quiet to edit his film and finding that tricky at the mo.

There must be something in the water aside legionaires...

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