CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

European Brown Bear

A lovely sunny day.

This is the first of occasional posts to Blip. I have been encouraged by several Blip friends to do this and not be concerned to have to Blip every day.

It was such a fine day we decided to visit Camperdown Wildlife Park. The Park probably has seen better days but there was enough variety of animals to keep our interest.

My blip shows the European (or Eurasian) Brown Bear. The shape of the head is normally quite round with relatively small and round ears, a wide skull and a mouth equipped with 42 teeth, including predatory teeth. It has a powerful bone structure, large paws, equipped with big claws, which can grow up to 10 cm in length. There were two in quite a large enclosure so hopefully they were quite happy.

If you would like to see some more photos, including the delightful Meercats, you may wish to head over to my Flikr set.

If I find something interesting to post, I may do so in the near future. Thanks again for your support.

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