I do like...

.....a nice church, even though there isn't an ounce of religion in me.

This is Tong Church between Cosford and Western Park in Staffordshire.

I had a lovely 50+ miles on the pushbike and feeling rather relaxed now.

The village of Tong is remarkable mainly for its church, St Bartholomews, outside of which is the supposed grave of Little Nell, a fictional character in Charles Dickens book, The Old Curiosity Shop. It is thought that Charles Dickens visited Tong church when his grandmother worked at Tong Castle.
The 'grave' is thought to have come about because Charles Dickens' novel was serialised and shipped over to America and as a result, Americans began coming over to England to visit scenes featured in the book. The tourists recognised the references to Tong church from the book and came to view the supposed 'grave', which of course was not there.

Very busy with pre holiday stuff so I apologies for the lack on my behalf for Blip and I will probably be missing in action all next week.

Thanks for looking

Mr Bo Hingles 

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