WOW! What a day!

Today is Blip number 483 and, by far, the most significant and emotive. We travelled to The RA Summer Exhibition in London to see great works of art by ordinary people. It started with a visit to Chelmsford Cathedral to see an ordinary person who is the most remarkable work of art. Gordon, 85, ordained for 60 years, epitomises humility, grace, peace, goodness, generosity & faith ... more than any person I have ever met. Today, I feel I have gained a glimpse of what greatness really is. Very humbling. Gordon visited the Cathedral to support his son, David, ordained as Deacon in the Diocese of Chelmsford. After chatting with Dave, (we first met Gordon and Dave more than 30 years ago), I can't help but feel there's another great work of art in the making.

The RA Summer exhibition is truly remarkable, do visit. What happened today in Chelmsford was extraordinarily remarkable. What a privilege.

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