5 Questions, Kenny...

This is Kenny.  See that skatepark behind him?  He conceived that and convinced the local council to build it in in 1980 at a time when skateboarding had gone the way of the hulahoop.  That skatepark is Livingston Skatepark and is probably the most famous and most enduring skateparks on this island.  Kenny has been a strong advocate for skateboarding in Scotland longer than I've known him.

Thanks Kenny.

If you open a box, what would you like to find inside?
Next weeks winning lottery ticket.

What advice would you give your younger self?
Speak to your Granny and learn about her life.

What is your favourite patch on earth?
Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh.

What event or thing defines your generation?
Post war rationing of things like cod liver oil and orange juice

What would you be doing on a sunny Sunday afternoon?
Fixing the house.

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