BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

Good Morning, Mr Magpie.

I have been trying for a long time to catch a shot of a magpie - or as RonaldBerry calls him "The Crow in a Tuxedo" - we have one (it may not always be the same one) who comes into the garden from time to time but he is very aware and has amazing peripheral vision - movement behind a window sends him up into the trees.

This is in the local churchyard - I had stalked him for about ten minutes - (not in my pj's - see yesterday's blip!!!) - he landed on the bench and I had time to get four shots before HE shot off!
(Slightly over-exposed as I didn't have the camera on quite the right settings but at least you can see his colouration).

A tight crop and here you have - Mr Magpie.

For some interesting info regarding magpies and superstitions - see HERE

Thank you to all who put the early sunshine leaves into the spotlight yesterday - or maybe it was the description of me in my pj's that did it!!!!

NIKON D90 : f/5.6 : 105mm

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