Of Lyte And Darke

By Fiere

Tinted Sky

Today was average :P

Was meant to go to a St Johns thing but pulled out after not having gone to the practice today and not feeling like I could be bothered to go. It was something involving chaperoning old people around - boring but community service hours.

Spent the day doing... more or less nothing. I'm such a time waster :P Played some piano and did some of my homework. I really need something productive to do :P

Been thinking more about New Zealand's Got Talent. Saw an article about some of the competition I was facing, and on thinking back I'm only more in fear of the other people. How can I hope to compete with them! A lot have years of practice under their belts, and I didn't play an instrument or even bring a backing track, so I don't imagine my audition was the best :c. Hope I get in though. I really do.

Back to school tomorow, looking forward to seeing people, but not looking forward to getting up early and just the drag of some classes :| Keep feeling like I'm living in circles, but that I've not really got any way to get out :(

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