Naming Days

By Leeleee


One of my favourite places...The Helena Bay Cafe.
This is the view that you can look at whilst drinking your phoneix old fashioned lemonade and eating your german cheese cake and apple pie. Good stuff.
Woke up early with E...well 10 is early for us. We wanted to make the most of the day.
Showed her the cafe. :)
All the waiters had German accents which made her laugh :D
On the way back Mum dropped us of at the High Chaperal and we ventured down to the haunted house. There was a famer yelling in a crazy language at his dogs to round up the cows scattered in the valley. Very interesting to watch. Bit worried about the fate of those cows though...
Walked up the hil :) Aaah that view never ever gets old. Sat on the hill for just like 20 minutes staring at sea and the houses and just the view.
Decided we need to make the most of the day and go kayaking so we hiked back down.
We got back and well were a bit tired for kayaking so instead play the game of life :) New Zealand expierience? Right?
The spinner was very mean to E..we had good lives though.
Home around 5ish..beautiful amazing glowing red moon on the way back through whangerei! Wish i got a picture but the car moves fast!
Wanted to stop at the Pizza Barn in Waipu but it was closed for June :o :O what is this?!?
Stopped for subway instead..funny German pronounciations of MAYONAIISE.
Dropped E home and stressed over photography...a bit sick. Maybe no school tommorow?
Wonderfull weekend.

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