Monday Outlook - overcast but overall encouraging

Back to routine today, Mr L is at his desk and I was at the bin bags. We still have work to do in reassembling the Utility Room, plumbing-in the dishwasher and washing machine, and setting up a field kitchen until such time as we can afford some new cupboards and worktops. The name of the game this week will be "pottering on" as neither of us feels up to putting our backs into anything.

A sad day yesterday as we lost one of our Cochins. The planned rest day turned into one of deep cleaning and disinfecting the hen hoose. 

So, we are down to just the one Cochin now, having started with four. I shall miss Elsie, she was a real character.

Two pics today as the sky was looking so pretty. It's overcast, very still and quite warm and muggy. Tide in, going whooshy slooshy at the edges.  I am on light duties due to one of the long muscles in my back having decided to shorten itself considerably. It's being intractable and won't relax.

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