
By Jeanettie6

In the Jungle

It is time to finally tackle the wild garden, put new plants in and fill up the pots.  I'm very late this year, as it wasn't worth putting anything new in before we went on holiday a few weeks ago, as there would have just been shrivelled sticks left in the pots!

I caught the train to Cannon Street and walked to Columbia Road Flower Market, late in the afternoon, just as they were packing up and selling off a lot of the plants, half price.  I always get far too excited about the bargains and forget that I've actually got to carry them back from East London back to Greenwich by train.  I couldn't resist a large astilbe, a hydrangea and three pots of those plants with bell-like flowers (campanula?? ) all for a 'tenner' though, despite stretching my arms,  having numb fingers and losing a few flowers heads on the way home too!

I chopped and hacked at the pyracantha, ivy and honeysuckle at the back which is covered in a horrible, large-leaved weed which seems to grow a couple of feet a day.  I filled up a wheely-bin with it and there is plenty more to be pulled/cut off.  

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