squeeeee... ...eee... ...eeak

Several respected contributors have recognised the value of the photoblog as an aide-memoire and diary. Every now and then (often when popping back to see what yesterday's One Year Ago's Tomorrow was in case something related pops up Today) I'll have a brief wander through entries past and ponder the felling of remembering it but only now that I've remembered it - if not so reminded, how much longer would it be remembered? Whilst a selection of the noteworthy since 25/07/2006 (when I've mentioned something which happened or occurred to me during the day) are now (hopefully permanently) recorded there's no similar record of the previous eleven thousand days. Perhaps when I finally get round to scanning and keepsafing some of the past's opto-chemical printed photographs I'll make an attempt to annotate them in a similar way. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately... I wonder if the legal minimum blipping age of 13 is perhaps far too young given the extreme embarrassment often caused to adults by memories of their adolescent years) I don't think there's very much by way of a day-to-day record of my life from the years prior to easily-stored things like emails (though they're also quite easily-lost and some from 1994-2001 are currently living precariously as unformatted text on a few 3½ floppy disks in a box somewhere) though had I not started this record I probably wouldn't be so concerned.


For today: It would be nice if (in addition to being able to wire a plug, count, add up, multiply, divide, subtract, spell, cross the street safely, be able to get by in at least one european language, differentiate between they're, their and there in their native language, apostrophise correctly, swim and tie their own shoelaces) all children were forcibly retained in school until they were shown to have successfully absorbed a few simple facts to reduce their error rate in the outside world; not leaving magnetic storage media (or any expensive electronic devices which contain magnetic storage devices) anywhere near powerful magnetic fields could be one.

Just in case one day it's the box containing the discs.

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