Today's Special

By Connections

More Delights!

Despite the intemperate heat, we've had another pleasant day in Portland, and I've taken more than 12,000 steps!

I think this may be the first time I've blipped beer tap handles, but we spent quite a while at Belmont Station Bottle Shop and Biercafe this afternoon, so I had time to study their extensive collection. We tried tasters of six different beers, but in my opinion, it was the panzanella salad we shared for lunch, as well as a shared roasted eggplant sandwich, that was the high point. There's a permanent food truck at Belmont Station called The Italian Market, offering "South Philly [Philadelphia] Street Food," and it's outstanding!

This evening we had a blipmeet at the home of blippers TerriG (Scoots, Shoots & Leaves) and LaurieT (LTLT), where we relaxed in their verdant garden, cooling off with chilled lemonade and iced tea, and relishing fresh melon and blueberries. We caught up on each other's lives, current events, and future possibilities, and as is so often the case when we're with Terri and Laurie, the time together went by much too fast! (You can see photos of us on their journals; trying to link them here is beyond my minimal technical expertise.)

Phil and I are off to another appealing brewpub with good food tomorrow, in a part of Portland that we've not explored before. It will take nearly an hour to get there via public transportation and a little walking, so I'm hoping that both the beer and the food meet or exceed our expectations,

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