
By SeaGypsy49

Boat trip - Canada Geese

Misty rain greeted us when we got up. We had asked about a boat trip the night before, to go out to see the Corryvreckan Whirlpool.

I decided that the weather didn't look like it would get much worse! Haha! In fact, once out there, the rain got heavier, plus we got colder. Before departing, we had to get into wet-weather gear, and life jackets, all of this on top of several layers of clothes, hat, scrarf and gloves. Every one looked like spacemen or women. We went out in a RIB boat, which had no covering, and they supplied googles, so that the rain wouldn't piece your eyeballs.
Unfortantly, we choose one of the days when the Whirlpool wasn't very spectular, in fact, it was almost dead, flat calm.
I managed a few photos, but it was hard trying to keep the rain off it, despite having a plastic bag over it. We saw a Sea Eagle high up on a cliff, a couple of seals, some Oyster Catchers, and some Canada Geese.When I asked the 'expert' on the boat what they were, he tried to tell me they were Oyster Catchers!! I found what they were in a book that I had about birds.
In the afternoon, we headed into Oban to find the laundry, as the clean clothes situation was getting a bit desparte by now. Also found the Chocolate shop that make the most wonderful chocolates.

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