
By SeaGypsy49

Golden Eagle with ? snake?

A day of all climates...... sun, cloud, hail, sun, cloud, hail and sunshine again..........
Started off after another big breakfast (how I love those Scottish breakfasts with black pudding and all the trimmings) and walked up the hill behind the house again. This time we got up onto the higher piece and the views were even better. And we got cellphone coverage up there!! Leanne was quickly on the phone ringing those left behind in Australia.
We then drove up to the Bridge over the Altantic, to walk the track the goes over to Puilladobhrain Bay. Tigh-an-Truish Inn, is a famous 18th century inn on Seil, just after you cross the bridge, and we stopped here for a drink on our way back. Leanne had decided she was going to have a beer here, so therefore I was going to have to go with the Ginger beer, instead of my usual wine, so I could drive us back.
The walk across the narrow strip of land across to the bay, was easy walking, once again, lots of primroses and voilets out in flower. We made a bee-line for an old wrecked fishing boat, that lay on the rocks on the opposite side, to where the track came out. It was just as we were getting to the beach, that it decided to hail for the second time that day.
As we had been driving up to Tigh-an-Truish, I had see a large bird in a tree above the road. Leanne not being really interested in birds, told me, it would be there on the way back. I didn't think there would be much chance.
However, when we got back to the B&B, she decided she didn't want to walk back up the road to see if it was still there. It was, and just as I got the camera focused on it, it flew down onto the ground, and tousled around with something, then flew off. I am sure that it had a small snake........ but as the picture is fairly well cropped, as I was using a 400mm lens and I wasn't that close to it, I can't really make it out.
I have been told that it is a Golden Eagle, something I had wanted to see.
We went across in the little ferry again, and had our dinner, then returned and went back to the Oyster Bar, where we had Glayva and Cranachan for dessert..........yum.

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