
By Annieone

A Daisy A Day..............!

I'll give you a daisy a day dear
I'll give you a daisy a day,
I'll love you until the rivers run still,
And the cold winds we know, blow a-way.........

He loved daisies, my Dad ...all flowers really, and as today is his Anniversary (27 years)......I thought it nice that I Blip one of my daisies in his memory.......
He also loved that song and never missed an opportunity to sing it on all party occasions .....
We had an enormous clump of these Shasta Daisies at home...they were spectacular in Summer...
My Dad was also a great gardener....taught me most of what I know.....and I can often feel him "over my shoulder" instructing when I'm out working in my own garden now !!

We are having High Summer weather this week ,!
It's glorious......great drying...many trips between washing machine and clothes line today...
And the temperature is to stay high all week..

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