Sneaky Peek

Wading through an enormous dense pale blue carpet  of forget-me-nots as far as the eye could see, (which I seriously just couldn't believe) was amazing this afternoon and a first for me. Their smell, a very light perfume wafted in the gentle breeze in blazing sun, filling the air, while on the pond hundreds of damselflies flitted over the bog plants. Magic!

Sipping or rather guzzling, this Scarlet Tiger Moth took his time drinking every last drop of nectar the little flowers offered. I did think originally as I saw it fly with it's brilliant red wings that it was a butterfly but up close and personal it became obvious it was a moth. These are both day and night-flying in June and July, they like damp habitats and feed on multitudinous herbs and shrubs.

Why sneaky peak? If you look closely where the forewings meet you can just see the scarlet colour  which is the colour of it's body and hind wings too. A warning that it tastes pretty bad. Not that that thought crossed my mind...

My extra is also a sneaky peek which needs no explanation

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