Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess


There are orchids galore coming out in the top field at work. I know they aren't rare orchids, but I love them anyway.

We had a bit of an eventful day at work: a group of 20 to 30 kids started a bonfire in the bottom field, were aggressive and sprayed E with a solvent when she tried to pour water on the fire so that she came inside the garden and locked the gates to keep them out. They then set fire to a bay of woodchip which would have taken hold if it hadn't been put out quite promptly with relays of people using buckets and watering cans in wheelbarrows. A fire engine came and finished the job. 

This felt very worrying - we have had problems with kids before, but never such a large group of them and they have usually left quite quickly when confronted. This is just the beginning of the school holidays, usually a bad time for vandalism, and the occasional fire, so who knows what happen further down the line. We often wish for bad weather in the summer holidays as it means we have fewer problems.

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