Tarawera Times

By Megl

Wide Angle Wednesday - Architecture

A first for Wide Angle Wednesday, but rather enjoy these challenges, especially when I am not feeling overly creative!
Saw that JDO after looking after Mono Monday for the month of June is taking on the wide angle challenge for July...and today was Architecture. Thanks so much.

Thought I would share an iconic piece of local architecture....the boat shed, built very solidly out of corrugated iron, painted green and padlocked shut to keep the boat safe. It is floating in the water and has double doors at the front so that you can start the motor and head off fishing! Very popular and quite sought after as the regulations have changed and no more are allowed to be built. These little sheds can change hands for about $50,000!

I rather liked the shadow the flax bush was casting on the wall.

Camera Club tonight and have spent quite a few hours putting together an AV of our weekend Raglan trip. 17 of those that went on the weekend emailed me up to six of their favourite images, and I was so impressed with the variety - it has made a rather nice AV.

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