Unspoken dialogues

went to the second day of the theater festival in the city with farsidehues and S. Unspoken dialogues - it was all hidden sentiments . There are lot of things in our life that we very strongly feel about or experience but we cant talk about them freely because of inhibitions, social stigma or just insecurity. This play was actually a collection of short stories talking about those unspoken dialogues. At the end of the play, the actors had an open tete-a-tete with the audience about their 'unspoken dialogues' and about the different stories depicted and how people relate to them. Was an interesting experience.

6 more plays to go. Though I would love to, but it will be very difficult to attend of all those. Planning to go to the one on Wednesday - Habib Tanvir's Charandas Chor. Tanvir is one of the biggest name in the theater circuit in India and this one is among one of his most celebrated piece of work.

Also, on Friday, there's a French play - which is more of a puppet play - pretty interesting. Good times ahead! :)

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