
This little kingfisher was intent on scanning the water for his next meal.

When I went for a walk at the estuary, there were more kingfishers than I have ever seen at once, fishing alongside the track. In one tree six were sitting studying the water but some walkers came past noisily and the birds flew off before I could record it. I got quite a few shots of them flying though, which I haven't managed before.

While I watched I was able to isolate their call as some were calling backwards and forwards to each other across the estuary.  It was not a call I had noticed before and had almost a harsh trill to it.

I watched another wrestle a largish crab which was fighting back. The kingfisher contorted himself into all sort of shapes while trying to swallow this wriggly mouthful. Unfortunately the bird was sitting in a maze of branches so I couldn't get a good pic of him in action.

There was more standing and looking, than walking done today.

The extras are of a kingfisher diving for food and sitting in a tree on watch.

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