Waiting for my flight

Another day in Wellington. Two people to be seen this morning; one at Porirua, the second in the central City. So three quarters of an hour in a car there and back. Added to which I'm not sure that he is really in "crisis". After lunch I was sent to drive myself north to Kapiti again. I go there to find no patient, and then got a message that she had gone to Porirua. So back in the car to start seeing her over a half hour late; it being a 30 minute drive each way. An expensive (for the DHB) bit of non work.

All this meant that by the time I had written notes, and tidied everything I had to leave directly for the airport. The traffic was not as bad as the last time I was this late, and I arrived in ample time for a relaxing glass of Syrah while watching the evening sky out of the window of the lounge.

A day off tomorrow.

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