Year Three

By RobotChicken

Bearded Vulture

Not the best photograph as at 350mm the lens has an awful flare when wide open, and to get this shot, he doesn't hang around long, I didn't really have a chance to think about the setting too much.

Thing to remember is that wing span is nearly 10 feet, and the body is about 4 feet long, he is the size of a small car. Smart car small, but even still. He's not a small bird.

He circled for about 2 minutes, the marmots went nuts with their "flying predator" alarm (marmots have two distress calls, one for ground predators, and one for aerial predators).

The marmots have good reason to fear this guy, he will swoop down, pick one up, and then drop him from 1,000 feet to tenderize the meat, and kill the marmot. I've yet to see it.

On that note, Rocky threw a rock at me earlier. I now have a chair with a dent in it, and a rock with dent made from a bit of metal. and it was one of the bigger rocks I've seen come down.

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