Paddling pool

Noo was overjoyed with GravyC's latest purchase! "a thwimming pool.." He couldn't wait to get in it, and I can tell you that water was freezing cold! GravyC had to get in, but I got away with just dipping my toes in, as I had to collect ZQ from school. ZQ then got in it, of course, and all was well until Noo went down the slide and landed on a nettle.........with his bare bum!!!! I've never known him make so much fuss with "a baddie" (and he has some bad baddies) so it must have hurt :-(

Cooler today, but still not cool! I had a bit of rain as I was finishing my round, but nowhere near as much as expected. I'm very tired today. This post round is taking me 5 hours every day.....

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