
Four baby goldfinches appeared in the garden today. I could hear them a long time before I saw them. The parents were busy feeding them although they have started feeding themselves.
Mike had a letter for the accountant and we needed shopping so after stopping at Munlochy we drove to Beauly stopping at the Lily Pond on the way. The sun was shining and the lilies had started to flower. Saw a few damselflies and house martins and a small Gold crest in one of the trees.
We picked up some lunch from Harry Gows in Beauly and then went down by the river and sat looking at the fast flowing water. Two fisherman had just finished and one of them asked if we had any spare lunch. We laughed and said no. He said he had some cold venison and salad rolls to eat. I asked if they had caught anything and they said no and that there were not many salmon at the moment. 
I walked along the path to the end of the wooded area not a lot about , a few bees and a robin.
We have now had cooling rain for the last hour or so.

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