Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Light at the End of the Tunnel

I met S, my 'Barcelona boss', for a drink tonight in the Barrio Gotico and had a really good catch up. We've now got a password to use during August and September (while I'm working here) if we want to escape and have a vino at the end of the working day. My blip was the view that met me when I left S and was on my way to meet Bb.

The biggest piece of news of the day is that Bb received the high resolution docs of his book this morning. These last weeks have been a bit fraught with versions back and forward between him and the book designer, with changes, tweeks, orphan words, checking and double checking, photos in an out, cropped and cropped again. Then a ''final' check again by his proof-reader, who very usefully picked up on a couple of things with her expert eye. It was a self-enforced tight deadline, 'helped' by the book designer going on holiday today for three weeks. Congratulations Bb - today was a milestone of a day! I'm biased of course, but it looks great. Next step is to get a paper copy for checking before publishing.

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