Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Andrea Fidelio, On Air

This was one of the acts at the Hat Fair (in Winchester) this afternoon.  Andrea was absolutely brilliant and very very funny.  Best moment: when he asked a rather meaty and seriously reluctant dad for a kiss and landed up knocking him flat on his back and snogging him to enormous cheers from the audience.  Even the wife seemed to think it pretty amusing!  Goodness, though, I've never seen the town so full - it was heaving.  Vast amounts of food were being cooked on the street and consumed - alcohol too, though fairly discreetly (bet that's changed by this time) and I saw a double-decker bus take the whole of its right side off on a bollard - oops!!

We're now back home and fed ourselves, only to find a very noisy party going on over the road.  Do hope it stops soon.  Happy 4th July, all you lovely US folks, hope it's been a good one for you.  Okay, it's bed for me now.  Commenting in the morning

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