
By Lazio_Lad

Aberdeen University Library

Good day!
Went down town bought a paper, had coffee, browsed the bookshops, generally took it easy all morning.
Then spent two or three hours doing paperwork.
Decided to visit Aberdeen University's new library.
The soaring glass construction normally reflects the sky and has been on my photo list for sometime.
However, sky rather grey today, but still plenty of interesting viewpoints of this building .

Conceived by Danish architects Schmidt Hammer Lassen as a cube evoking the ice and light of the north, the new library has a sharp, modern design, and a striking interior of sweeping contours around an asymmetrical atrium which rises diagonally from the public ground floor through the floors above.

I shall revisit and capture the sky another day as well as the amazing asymmetrical interior.
A piece of Contemporary architecture that is fighting to make Aberdeen
a 21st Century city despite its provincial, market town roots.

Talking of the future, off to see Prometheus tonight .
Can a prequel ever be as good as the original...... even when its Ridley Scott.

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